The Association discharges its mandate to provide assistance to the College through various projects and programmes. If you wish to help us by way of a monetary donation or in kind, please contact us via our email address ( At this time, we are able to accept monetary donations in the form of cash, cheques, bank drafts, wire transfers and GTT’s Mobile Money (MMG).

The success of our projects and programmes depends largely on the kind support of alumni like you and we therefore look forward to hearing from you.

While some of our projects and programmes are fixed, others are developed and adapted depending on the needs of the College as they arise. Please check back with us regularly in order to stay updated.

Special Awardees Programme

This is our oldest and longest running programme whereby students of the College, who are in need, are provided with wide ranging forms of assistance. Such assistance includes covering transportation costs to and from school, lunch, uniform, school shoes, text books, stationery, lessons fees, examination fees, medical care inclusive of dental, optometry and generally whatever other support the particular student may require.

In order to receive a benefit, students are entered into the programme on application having satisfied the requirements thereof including parental consent. This programme is run discreetly in order to protect the students’ identity and avoid stigma. Students are informed of and invited to join the programme through the Headmistress upon identification by a teacher. All students are eligible and may enter the programme at any time while attending the College. The programme is managed by the ‘Special Awardees Committee’, which is a sub-committee of the executive body of the Association.

QC-OSA Online Platform Assistance Programme

This programme provides the students and teachers of Queen’s College with all the necessary tools for online classes while in-person classes are suspended under Order of the Ministry of Education with effect from March 15, 2020 in light of the COVID-19 pandemic.

QC Exam Preparation Project

This short-term project was created in June 2020 as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. The project is intended to last until August, 2020. Its intent is to render assistance to the College to ensure a safe and healthy environment for students writing the CXC Examinations during that period. This is achieved by supplying cleaning supplies, signage, personal protection equipment (PPE) and any other relevant materials.

QC Landscaping Project

This project was established in 2020 to assist in the maintenance and upkeep of the grounds of the College in order to improve the aesthetic appearance of the school. It is our belief that the excellence of the college should be on display in all areas.

E-Library Project

This is our most recent project, established in July, 2020 whereby an (online) e-library is being created to meet the needs of a modern student body.

QC Maintenance Programme

Under this programme various forms of maintenance works are carried out at the College as needed. Sub-projects are also created under this programme to meet one-off needs. Currently, The Windows Replacement Project is being executed to replace the missing windows and fix the broken windows along the northern, western and eastern sides of the building.