
What is Domestic Violence Really

Domestic violence, also known as intimate partner violence or domestic abuse, is a pattern of behavior in which one partner attempts to exert power and control over another partner in an intimate relationship through physical, emotional, or psychological means. How

How to Communicate with Avoidant Attachment Style

Communicating with someone who has an avoidant attachment style can be challenging because they tend to maintain distance because of their deep-rooted fears of emotional vulnerability. I like to use animal analogies to help us understand their behavior. Let’s imagine

Why Are Healthy Relationships Boring

Guess who may find a healthy relationship boring? Avoidants and anxious. The anxious attached most likely acted up in childhood to get the attention they were lacking. They tend to throw tantrums and appear to be needy in grown up

Why Relationships Checklist Does Not Work

We’ve all seen the ‘relationships checklists’, haven’t we? From relationship gurus to self-help books, it seems like everyone is trying to cram a neat and tidy definition of what a successful partnership should consist of. But the harsh reality is

Healing Attachment Style

I had a detailed attachment theory personality test done by a trained psychologist specializing in this. The test aimed to check my attachment style. I grew up as an anxious person, afraid that I would be abandoned. Because of this

Paul and the Broken Bird

Paul couldn’t wait to get home from school. He hated school. Not the learning. He loved watching things blow up in science classes and cutting into frogs. But he hated when the teachers told him how to do his experiments.

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